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Why you should outsource your next web development project to Ukraine

Ukraine is a leading web development outsourcing destination in Eastern Europe. Thanks to years of experience working with clients worldwide, Ukrainian tech professionals outshine many of their Western peers.

Web development outsourcing allows you not only to save on costs, but focus on core business growth, outrun your competitors, and connect with a global talent pool.

A recent study published by Whitelane Research confirms that 83% of companies in the BeLux region will continue to outsource tech-related projects at the same rate or more in the coming years. In the Netherlands, it’s 80%; in the United Kingdom–65%; in the Nordic countries–71%.

So why not outsource your next web development project to developers in Ukraine, too?

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Software development market statistics of the tech countries — Poland, Ukraine, Romania, Czech Republic, Hungary, Bulgaria, Belarus, and Croatia.

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The need for web development services

There are numerous reasons why you should consider hiring a team of dedicated remote developers, including: the affordability, the level of Ukrainian developer’s education and training, Ukraine’s geographical location, and more.

  • Affordability
  • Highly-educated developers
  • Extension of your in-house team
  • Ukraine Is located In the heart of Europe
  • The next Silicon Valley


How much does it cost to hire web developers in Ukraine? Less than you think. In fact, working with Ukrainian developers for a better price allows many companies’ ambitions to exceed their budgetary restrictions. 

The average yearly Ukrainian developer salary is \$50,820, depending on the specialization and level of experience.

By comparison, the yearly salary for developers in the United States is around \$157,570, which is significantly higher. Developers in the Netherlands earn \$95,669 per year; in Germany\$97,396 per year; and the United Kingdom\$82,199 per year. 

If you consider how most Ukrainian developers have a top notch educational background and training, that makes outsourcing to Ukraine all the more appealing.

Key IT outsourcing countries in Eastern Europe

Ukrainian web developers are highly educated

Ukraine has a talent pool of over 200,000 highly-qualified IT professionals. Every year, more than 36,000 students graduate from Ukrainian universities with degrees in IT-related fields, meaning that number will only continue to grow. 

In fact, Ukraine’s tech sector boasts more specialists in certain programming languages than some Western countries, despite having a smaller population. 

There are approximately 9,000 PHP developers in Ukraine, for example, while in the United States there are only 7,000. Python developers in Ukraine (3,000) outnumber python developers in the United Kingdom (2,000).

85% of Ukrainian developers also speak English at an upper-intermediate level or higher, making it easy for them to communicate with clients from all over the world. 

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Extension of your in-house team

Web developers in Ukraine are not only highly-skilled they possess a strong work ethic that leaves a lasting positive impression on their clients. 

You don’t have to worry about sacrificing your company culture when you outsource web development to Ukraine. 

The founder of Jarrang, a digital marketing agency based in the United Kingdom, found that working with a web developer in Ukraine was the best solution for his business. According to him, Ukrainian developers “are as dedicated to success as our own internal people. We see an extension to our team.”

Located in the heart of Europe

Ukraine has a 1-2 hour time zone difference with its European neighbors and 7 hours with the East Coast of the United States.

This means that you should have no issue keeping in touch with a remote team of Ukrainian developers via Zoom, Slack, or whatever your preferred channel of communication may be.

The founders of Vive, a Dutch investment app, chose to work with a remote team of Ukrainian developers due to the fact that big companies in the Netherlands often snatch up local talent by offering them more competitive salaries.

According to Vive’s executive team, Ukraine’s close location was a motivating factor, as well as the shared cultural values between both countries. Vive’s remote team of Ukrainian developers even had the chance to visit the Netherlands to engage in team-building activities with their in-house colleagues.

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Why Outsource to Ukraine?

Get data on the state of the Ukrainian IT market and discover why Ukraine is one of the top destinations for outsourcing software development in 2022.

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Ukraine: The Silicon Valley of Eastern Europe?

In recent years more than 100 companies have set up R&D centers in Ukraine. These software development offices are convenient and cost-effective, which is why companies like Google, Reddit, and Samsung are tapping into the Ukrainian tech sector’s huge potential.

Setting up an R&D center in Ukraine usually requires the assistance of an intermediary, however. Navigating the legal system of a foreign country, especially when there is a language barrier, can be tricky. 

For this reason, many foreign companies choose to partner up with local firms that offer staff augmentation services to build a cross-functional remote team.

How to make the right decision?

Websites like Clutch, Goodfirms, and Upwork are filled with reviews from software development companies’ previous clients. Many of these companies also include case studies on their own websites.

You should always perform due diligence before making an informed decision. The good news is that there are plenty of resources to help you succeed.

Work with Grid Dynamics today

Grid Dynamics is a technology services provider that accelerates digital transformation and bolsters competitive advantage for Fortune 1000 companies. Our company has 15+ years of experience in software innovation, most notably open-source cloud-native programs.  

Our clients have the option of choosing the engagement model which best suits their requirements, including team extension, dedicated teams, pod teams, and remote development centers. Grid Dynamics has offices across the Americas, Europe, and India, meaning that we have the resources to cater to the needs of companies of any size, no matter where they are located.

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