Home Services Global Team Augmentation work Case study: PHP and JavaScript developers for Oktopost
An experienced JavaScript developer

Liad Guez

Co-Founder and VP Product

Oktopost logo
Project Oktopost Social Media Management Platform
Location Tuval St 34, Ramat GanIsrael
Website oktopost.com
Team size 3 Web developers

PHP and JavaScript developers for Oktopost

This case study shows how cooperation with Grid Dynamics extend Oktopost’s development pipeline as well as serve as the core pillars for the company’s success.

At Oktopost we look for highly ambitious and motivated people who are ready to look beyond a nine-to-five job. But after we had monitored Israeli market, we realized we couldn’t find appropriate candidates. That’s why, our main goal with Grid Dynamics was to recruit additional developers with the right skills and specializations. 

“Grid Dynamics proved to be very professional. The staff was very responsive and knew how to explain the market specifics and recruitment processes. We also liked the transparency of all procedures”

Why Grid Dynamics?

Having analyzed a number of outsourcing providers, we chose Grid Dynamics because:

  • Grid Dynamics proved to be very professional. The staff was very responsive and knew how to explain the market specifics and recruitment processes. We also liked the transparency of all procedures. 
  • Grid Dynamics managed to meet our needs and find the right tech talent.
  • Grid Dynamics supports reasonable prices — not too low and not so high as other big companies in Ukraine have. 


Our cooperation with Grid Dynamics was successful, the team was very adaptive — any time we needed to settle some issues, they were promptly dealt with. We try to visit our Ukrainian team at least once every two months, because it’s important for us to be in touch with the team. When I visited the office in Kyiv, I was surprised how nice it was. It’s impressive that Grid Dynamics isn’t a big company but is still able to keep their standards high. 

Value delivered

It’s hard to tell in numbers what was the productivity growth Oktopost experienced with Grid Dynamics, but I can certainly say that offshore development helped us extend our roadmap and develop the things we weren’t able to develop earlier. The key advantage of creating a development hub remotely is the increase of available talent pool. Now, if I’m planning to hire new employees, I can either examine Israeli or Ukrainian IT market, as I have functional teams in both. This way, remote cooperation adds flexibility to our business.

“It’s hard to tell in numbers what was the productivity growth Oktopost experienced with Grid Dynamics, but I can certainly say that offshore development helped us extend our roadmap and develop the things we weren’t able to develop earlier”


Here are some tips for working with a nearshore team:

  • Think of at least a few credible arguments for building a nearshore development team — budget alone won’t be enough to compensate for the time and efforts invested. 
  • Over-communicate with your remote team — always be ready to answer their questions or call them.
  • Use every opportunity to visit your remote developers.
  • Developers should feel like they are a part of the team and not “hands for hire” — make sure they are satisfied and work on the projects that help them grow professionally.
  • You need to invest more time in code reviews. Review, review, and once more review the actual code.
  • You need to have established development processes and practices.

Read the full interview here.

Want to learn more about setting up an extended development team with us?


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