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A member of big data development team

Dima Kuchin


Unomy logo
Project Unomy Sales and marketing intelligence platform
Location Israel
Website unomy.com
Team size Team Lead, Big Data Architect, Senior Python Developer, Front-End Developer, DevOps Engineer, Web Developer (part-time), QA Engineer (part-time).

Big data development team for Unomy

This case study reveals how an emerging Israeli SaaS company benefited from working with offshore software developers from Ukraine.

With Grid Dynamics, we were able to handpick top-level developers, whose expertise has helped us reach results that usually require a team two or three times larger than ours. When I joined Unomy as the CTO, the company already had an alpha product we could present to investors. To further develop our software, I had to build an engineering team experienced in building rich big data applications. Developers with the required level of expertise are very expensive in Israel, and finding them locally isn’t easy, so we decided to look for big data talent in Ukraine.

“Grid Dynamics has allowed us to hire top engineers fast and also save on workstation setup, insurance, and other expenses that come with hiring an employee in Israel.”

Why Grid Dynamics

Grid Dynamics has allowed us to hire top engineers fast and also save on workstation setup, insurance, and other expenses that come with hiring an employee in Israel. Our HR/Account Manager at Grid Dynamics helps us sustain a healthy working relationship with the offshore team. Being in the same office with our software engineers, he deals with a lot of issues on the local level and brings me in only if he needs my involvement. Since the time Grid Dynamics helped us hire the first member of our offshore development team in Ukraine, we’ve added new people only through this company, and I think we’ve got a great partnership.

“Since the time Grid Dynamics helped us hire the first member of our offshore development team in Ukraine, we’ve added new people only through this company, and I think we’ve got a great partnership.”


Here are some tips on how to hire the best offshore development team:

  • At the interview stage, give your candidates coding tasks to test their problem-solving skills and see how well they understand your requirements;
  • Hire experienced developers because they’re more independent and motivated to work hard;
  • Have a daily stand-up meeting to keep the entire team on the same page and do one-on-one calls to discuss smaller technical questions;
  • Call instead of exchanging messages to save time.

Want to learn more about setting up an extended development team with us?


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