Like a cloud, but for engineering We have always believed in massively distributed systems—distributed applications, distributed infrastructure, and distributed teams. Since the inception of the company, we have built over 1,000 products for Fortune 500 companies, with the majority of them implemented by distributed teams. Since we rely on top engineering talent and the utilisation

Access to experienced engineers in emerging technologies is hard Grid Dynamics excels at hiring, training, growing, managing, and retaining specialists in emerging technologies and making them available to clients on demand. We do that by building delivery centers in the cities with the highest number of top technical universities and rich traditions of math, science

The trend of offshore software development continues to grow as more businesses look to hire developers abroad to build their products. As technology becomes more globalized, companies are realizing the strategic benefits of IT outsourcing. It allows them to organize their operations in a more cost-efficient way, access specialized talent, increase efficiency and flexibility, and focus on

Saving money is a priority for any business taking the outsourcing route. By leveraging an offshore software development team they can tackle the cost-effectiveness problem, improve their competitive advantage, and increase profit margins for the company. Transparency is key when it comes to financial planning, thus many tech firms are looking for tried-and-true methods to

In recent years, the Ukrainian software development market has been growing rapidly, making the country 2nd in terms of the number of IT professionals in Eastern Europe. In this whitepaper, we’ve gathered statistical data regarding the current state of the Ukrainian IT market and disclosed the reasons why Ukraine has become one of the top destinations for outsourcing

The USA and Western Europe strive to combat the talent shortage challenge by leveraging educational reforms. Meanwhile, Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) bring the fastest alternative to meet the demand — by providing their top-notch talent and high-quality service. In this research, we aimed to confirm or deny the value of the CEE region for

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