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Volodymyr Koliadin

Volodymyr Koliadin

Volodymyr is a Senior Data Scientist at Grid Dynamics. He joined Grid Dynamics in 2021 and has more than 15 years of experience working on data driven solutions.

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Artificial intelligence
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Optimization of order and inventory sourcing decisions in supply chains with multiple nodes, carriers, shipment options, and products
Article Optimization of order and inventory sourcing decisions in supply chains with multiple nodes, carriers, shipment options, and products
Building a Predictive Maintenance Solution 
Using AWS AutoML and No-code Tools
Article Building a predictive maintenance solution using AWS AutoML and no-code tools
Anomaly detection in industrial IoT data using Google Vertex AI: A reference notebook
Article Anomaly detection in industrial IoT data using Google Vertex AI: A reference notebook
Detecting anomalies in high-dimensional IoT data using hierarchical decomposition and one-class learning
Article Detecting anomalies in high-dimensional IoT data using hierarchical decomposition and one-class learning
Anomaly detection in industrial applications: solution design methodology
Article Anomaly detection in industrial applications: Solution design methodology