Home Insights White papers The 4 Ws of customer retention: A data-driven approach for Retail and CPG industries

The 4 Ws of customer retention: A data-driven approach for Retail and CPG industries

Customer retention is critical for retailers and CPG companies today because brand loyalty is a fickle thing in the digital age. However, to effectively prevent customer churn, a few fundamental questions need to be answered:

  • Who will churn? You need to identify the specific user segment that you are at risk of losing.
  • When will they churn? You need to predict churn probabilities months in advance.
  • Why will they churn? You need to identify potential churn drivers and triggers.
  • What is the best treatment? You need to provide a framework for evaluating different treatment options.

In this whitepaper, we discuss how to build a powerful framework for customer retention that helps to quantify, investigate, and fight customer churn by comprehensively answering the 4 Ws above.

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